Illuminations: A Novel of Hildegard Von Bingen – by Mary Sharratt – independent book review – Historical Fiction (Germany, Christian)

Reading this book felt like a time travel back to 12th century Germany when knights headed off for years at a time, to fight in The Crusades and women were forced to either marry young or take the veil. ILLUMINATIONS: A NOVEL OF HILDEGARD VON BINGEN tells the story of one of the most famous women of the Middle Ages. Described as a Christian mystic, Benedictine abbess, philosopher, composer, and author with expertise in herbology, medieval literature, cosmology, medicine, biology, theology, and natural history — hers is a fascinating story. Awarded four stars on Goodreads.

Author Mary Sharratt takes the known facts regarding Hildegard Von Bingen (1098-1179), including the nun’s own three volumes of visionary theology and skillfully fleshes out a three-dimensional portrait of a woman with a exceptional mind. Though Hildegard is given (against her will) to the church at a very young age she nevertheless ends up leading a full and rich life. Along the way she suffers loss, grief, betrayal and jealousy. But also makes opportunities for learning, healing, love, and eventually renown.

Image of Hildegard von Bingen
Image in the public domain
Author Mary Sharratt Photo from her website

The lack of autonomy women had during this time astounds me. Parents often arranged marriages for their daughters at very young ages, leaving them to face the ravages and risks of decades of repeat pregnancies. Alternately some daughters were arbitrarily sent to convents, regardless of their having a vocation. In either case, they were largely powerless. Their dowries were handed over to their husbands or church men in power and the women themselves might wind up living in desperate circumstances. In Hildegard’s case, she was literally bricked in for decades, required to attend a religious zealot. And of course, religious leaders of this time also believed women were inherently evil, thanks to the Bible’s story of Eve.

Fortunately, humans are nothing if not resilient and Hildegard lives to become a role model for others and an inspiration within her faith. Lovers of historical fiction and those interested in the lives of women during the Middle Ages shouldn’t miss ILLUMIINATIONS.

More about the author, Mary Sharratt.

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